Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry Potter Party!!

Ah yes : ) We dressed up for the New Harry Potter Movie.

It was so much fun.

We were a little disappointed in the crowd. Me and Johns Family were the only ones dressed up and everyone else were all a bunch of highly hormonal teens trying to be cool.

Doesn't matter though we are die hard fans and we love the books/movies.

Movie was awesome. I think its the best one yet.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Roller Derby Explained

Here is a great explanation of how the game is played!! its more flamboyant and crazy in real life of course.

Also some pictures of me at practice

Roller Derby Girl!!!

I don't have pictures of me doing it yet but its happening.

I joined a league with Johns sisters. I have a great shot of Lindsay, Who is the Captain of the Junction City Roller Dolls.

We have alter ego names, I have chosen "Harry Slaughter". In honor of my favorite book and because its awesome and sounds tough. I have been to about three practices and I really enjoy it. Can't wait to have a Bout where I can show you all my skills!!!

I am going to put up a video about how roller derby is played.
