Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Babys and Trees

Long time no post.. doubt anyone really checks me out but there has been a few fun things going on my little life.

First off!!! BABY, Tyler and Layne left me stranded and alone in Utah with no baby to hug and kiss. ( They moved to Alabama which was awesome for them so I am happy but I miss them and my baby. ) My new Nephew was Born November 13th and he is adorable. I love him so much its crazy

My mom and I were lucky enough to attend Festival of Trees auction night! WOW what a rush. We ended up getting a very adorable tree. But the process was for those who have done it before. My mom and I were running around like mad women . I guess you get like 20 minutes per 3 rows of trees to bid on. If your name is on the list it goes to a silent auction to out bit everyone else. Needless to say my mom and I failed the first couple trees. But came out on top in the end. It was great to see so much money going to the amazing hospital that is Primary Childrens. The Nurses and Doctors have taken such sweet care of my little Alec we are sooooo lucky to be so close to one of the finest Chrildrens hospitals in the world.